Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Burgerfest!

The burger fest consist in make sale a fast food in our school, but we are going to prepare the fast food, it have to be different to others and hjave something special.
We decided make a hamburger, and we are going to call it "Monster Hamburger", it consist in make like a sanwich of meet and put inside cheese, then we will breading this to keep all the ingredients inside.
To decide this, we saw some recipes and we combine 3 of this to have this idea.
The total cost of our hamburger will be $27 pesos and we have to sell the tickets earlier. because we have to buy the ingredients to make it!...

It will be awsome and you have to be there!
so... if you want your tickets you can ask me and I will give you!! :D

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The wild whitin

I readed post in anthony burdain blog, and i saw that this is a TV show on travel channel where people go to alaska to kill animals to get their own meat and then they cook it themselfs to eat..
i think is interesting see where your food comes from and how is cooked, but maybe it is a little cruel don´t you think?
i´m gonna figure it out and i will see this tv show i recomend you see whit me!

I don´t want Ammonia in my hamburger!!

I was reading the post on the Anthony Burdain blog titled Dear Hannah and i don´t know who is the Hannah father, but i know that i don´t want ammonia in my food!! so i agree with Antony Burdain.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Information About me! :)

I´m writing some things that you should now about me...

I am leticia torres becerril, I am 19 years old almost 20 (in june 1st yeii¡¡ haha), I was born in Guadalajara but I can say that I am potosina!!...
I am studing hopspitality at UVM-GLION and I like very much learn new languages and now i´m learning french and almost finish my english course...
I am a smiling and flriendly person and I love pets, but now I don´t have anyone :'(...
My favorite color is blue and i like listen to music...
I have a boyfriend and I love him very much! <3

ok!... that´s all my principal information now you know who I am!!
Regards =D